Saturday, April 17, 2010

Interview with a Promo Rep

Casey Flores isn't technically a CCMer. But we're proud to call him one anyway. He's with Teen Mania's Honor Academy, so he was assigned to our admissions and promotions team, and he's a vital part of the CCM experience, helping bring new potential CCMers into the program. Along with a few others -- like Kristina, as mentioned before -- under the guidance of Gail Rittenhouse, he is the voice of CCM, if you will. And for a lot of people who are attending events from the Encounter tour, he's also the Face of the place -- he's the first person associated with the program that they're going to see.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
--Hebrews 12:1

In the videos meant to represent the "Great Cloud of Witnesses" who interact with the angelic characters of the drama, Casey gets to play the only Biblical figure who gets to interact with a human character. Appearing to Zack Brahinsky in a dream and inspiring him to assume the superheroic mantle he never thought himself capable of shouldering, Casey plays Gideon. (For those who don't remember, Gideon was the hero who rose up from being the least son of the smallest family of Israel in a time when they all hid out like cowards, threshing their wheat inside winepresses in case the Midianites came to steal it, and led an army -- cut down to size by God -- against the Midianites with only trumpets and clay pots. And won.)

The scene in the drama tends to make a pretty hefty impression (made even more amazing by the fact that, during the many shoots it took to get right, poor Casey was recovering from pnuemonia).

Here, he talks about his experience with the promo booth, and his brush with fame.

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