Saturday, April 17, 2010

Interview with the Makeup Crew

Aspen Henry and Kristina Kutscher were pretty much fearless already.

For eight months, Aspen has been the only girl in CCM's acting track, and came in only to meet the daunting job of the Master Tech Script for North America's largest youth conference and its eight-month, 30-city tour.

Kristina still serves in our promo department even after moving over to production, where she's blazing her own trail as our first real music composer. (Not to mention that, with Sam Davis helping come up with content for NEXT YEAR's ATF tour, Kristina's had to shoulder casting responsibilities.)

So who better to be the team that comes face to face with ALL the talent, charged with helping the likes of Joel Houston and Bishop Hezekiah Walker relax and be comfortable to take the stage?

Also, they're both known for their wonderfully quirky sense of style, so who better to help them look good for the stage and for the TV cameras?

Best of all, who better to help us all focus on the spiritual development you find even in the most hectic workday, seeing everything you do as worship?

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