Friday, April 16, 2010

Interview with an Alumna

Emily Kelly is in a unique position for this New York BattleCry. She's in New York for three reasons:

1) She came up for vacation.
2) Along with Alex Clark, Adam Overfelt, Cody Greeley and Ron Ordonez, she, as a former CCMer, is coming along for our NY Professional Encounter.
3) As a current School of Worship intern, she's around here not to work with CCM but to man the SOW booth.

So she's currently pulling something like double-duty for Teen Mania. On top of all that, she was part of a team of seven CCMers who contributed to writing content for "The Encounter" tour, so she's now seeing things she helped create come to life in a spectacular new venue, through a live broadcast manned by a young and fresh CCM staff, all from the vantage point of someone now on the outside.

Oh, yeah, and, by the way, attendance numbers have now passed 16,000, making this Teen Mania's largest event in four years.

That's pretty awesome.

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