Friday, October 23, 2009

More from Hamilton

We're now getting settled into the Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, and the excitement is building for the start of the event.

By now, we've gotten the interview room set up, as well as the makeup room, our equipment and our shots. Within only a few hours, though, the bands and speakers will be filing in for makeup, the doors will open for the crowd to come in, and the event starts in FIVE AND A HALF HOURS.

The drama rehearsals have been unbelievable. One of the videos -- which is perhaps one of the most remarkable things CCM has ever made -- keeps being brought up if only inadvertently, as it's not just a drama video but a full-on music video for a song that everyone catches himself singing at one point or another.

The video itself is pretty awesome, narrating a modern-setting version of a story found in the Gospel of John. The look of the video, following a spotlight-vignette, was inspired by the video for Fiona Apple's song "Criminal," and was shot just down the road from Teen Mania's campus in Texas. And in the weeks since I was on the shoot (yours truly makes a very brief appearance in the video), going through quality-control checks and final formatting, first for the Amherst event and then for broadcast here in Hamilton, the different layers added to it have only become more and more amazing -- not only is it unlike anything CCM has ever produced before, it is a professional music video, whether it came from the drama or not.

Seeing it on the big screen, however, ready to be broadcast in more than 200 countries -- that's an experience even above and beyond the rest. It kind of takes your breath away.

And even now, the song is stuck in my head again. Watch tonight, and you'll know which one I'm talking about.
"And there was a man who drew a line in the sand..."

Catch the live broadcast live, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern Time, on GodTV or streaming at

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