And so ends this year's ATF in Hamilton! Wow! What a weekend it has been! For those of us behind the scenes, our work is not quite done, but we can finish strong knowing that all of our work has moved mountains in the heavens, and teens in Canada have been reached for Christ.
As the crowds pour out the doors, our team, as well as the ministry team, pour into the arena to begin tearing down equipment. The Live TV truck is being loaded and pulled out, our cameras are being taken down and safely stowed away for the trip home,
and the jib must once more be taken apart and snuggled into it's cradle. All of us in the production office are finishing up last minute detailing and finalizing, and putting away our computers to join the rest of the mad rush to vacate the premises. We're finally in the last leg of the race...
So much has gone into this amazing production: from lighting for live interviews, make up for the VIPs (speakers, artists, actors), recording live feeds from multiple cameras, or simply praying for the various functioning parts of the event, so that things would run smoothly. Every little piece of this gargantuan puzzle has fit together perfectly, effectively creating a finely tuned, coordinated set that has not only reached thousands of young people here in Canada and around the world, but has also stretched and matured those who were involved.
A quick testimony from one of our crew: part of the event involved shout outs being sent in via text messages, which would be posted onto the screens for the audience. One text received was
from a young teen who was contemplating suicide even as she watched the event (presumably online). Ron, in the finale of the weekend, read aloud a few of the texts, including that one. After hearing him talk about it, the teen texted in again, alleviating some of our fears by telling us that hearing Ron talk about their text and CARE enough to say something showed them some real love. God truly does miracles in and through the lives of those involved with ATF!
More blogs to come when we're on the road, because our trip is still not over til we pull back into the studio on Tuesday. Good night all!